Mental Health Part 2.

Published on 17 May 2024 at 02:43

Alrighty. Let's touch base on some more mental health. Tonight, I'm at work and while I have a few spare minutes... I figured let's have a coffee and talk more about mental health. Every day that goes by I'm really wondering, how many other people out there have felt the way I have? ask yourself this... how many of you have felt bullied by someone or many? how many of you are waking up with anxiety first thing in the morning, or even as the day goes on you start feeling it more and more? are you feeling depressed every day to the point where you just don't want to get out of bed most days? do you just think ah fuck it I'm just going to call in sick for work today because I just know I can't handle this day before its even began?.  Are you feeling stressed in your day-to-day life when it comes to paying your bills and making ends meet? do you find yourself comparing yourself or your life to others?  

you guys... Mental Health makes you do, feel, and think some crazy shit. 

I will be honest. I feel like I'm struggling in my day-to-day life. Everything I listed above is honestly how I feel a lot of the time. I feel like I'm struggling most days with getting up and out of bed. I'm tired of trying to "just make it" in this world as prices are going higher and our wages are not. I'm also struggling with the fact that I just feel useless a lot of the time in my household, examples being helping out more financially, cooking more home cooked meals and cleaning my house. I don't want to blame it on my miscarriage, so I won't, I'll just say this though. Life has changed for me after January 2nd. I am starting to feel more and more like I don't have a purpose in this world and always wondering if I will get that chance to ever be a mom. I'm always wondering if since August 3rd of 2019 god does always takes the good ones first. In 2020 I wondered if my best friend will ever forgive me truly, or if I'll always miss out on more milestones that we should have shared together. 2021 will we see another case of Covid-19 and have the world shutdown again and make the world feel cold? 2023, Jailbird. what is it going to take for my brain to shut off. To just stop thinking about all the terrible things that I have endured and seen happen. When will it all just go away and let me think of all the good things yet that are still to come. I can sit here and lie and say I'm totally fine when in reality I'm just not. I'm struggling. I know a lot of others are feeling this way too. So, let's work on this together, shall we? every day we should do something that makes us as a person feel better. Whether it's going outside and getting some fresh air, going and having coffee with your friends or family, or even something like cleaning your house and going to the gym. It can be anything but do it for yourself. Remember not all days will be good but we can do the best we can to make sure they are good for us. I know on a bad day I'm happy just at the fact that I got dressed into clothes that day and now I found a new thing to make me happy... BLOGGING. I honestly didn't ever see myself as the type, but I feel like the more and more I write my life stories out and have discussions with other people about day-to-day life and the struggles we as people face there's something that feels rewarding about it. I feel a sense of comfort knowing also that I'm not alone when I feel this way. It's absolutely heart wrenching to know how many people go through this but that's why I started my Blog. So, YOU as a reader know you too are not alone. 

Everyone reading this blog specifically, I would love to hear from you. Tell me how you struggle with mental health and what you're doing to overcome it. Let me know if you have someone you can reach out too on your days you don't feel okay. Are you getting help? or are you the sit in silence type? do you know anyone whose been affected by mental health if it's not you? and what's something you would like to tell someone who is struggling with mental health?  (My email is open and will be strictly confidential.) 


My blog is a safe space, and you will always have CouchCoffe&I to talk too. 

xx Shandy xx

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Alanna Jackson
6 months ago

Hey Shandy, stumbled across you blog accidentally today. I'm glad I did as I read your words I was really moved by the struggles you went through. I think as humans we tend to isolate ourselves when we struggle and then we feel very lonely and depressed about what is going on in our lives and then our minds can be a nasty plce to get lovked up inside of. I can speak from a place of growing up similar as an overweight kid through school. I was bullied alot and ended up dropping out in grade 11 due to how bad my mental health got. I have had many dark years of struggle with mental health. But with therapy and other mental health support I am doing well.
Sorry to hear of your stories of growing up with bullies and mental health struggles. Don't you wish we could have all the knowledge we have know back then when we were 8 and 9 years old. How much simpler life would be. Know you are never alone in life Shandy and there is always someone around to talk to. You can add me to the list of friend that will always be here is you need to talk.